Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sydney Carton sacrifices for Lucie

    Finally, Sydney Carton finds something to do for Lucie, which costs his life. Charles is caught, put into prison and sentenced to death. Since Carton and Charles look alike, Carton decides to take the place for Charles and dies for him. He wants to keep his promise to Lucie that he will keep the people she loves around her. He thinks Charles is not worth dying and he wants to die for him. He knows that his death will make Lucie’s family be together. Thus, he is not scared to sacrifice his life for saving her love Lucie’s husband. He is a great man because he can do and he will do anything for his love. He regards his death as the most valuable thing that he has ever done because it makes him keep the promise with Lucie. He thinks that “it is far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.” He is tired of his life, and he eventually finds something valuable to end his life.

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